Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Tips to know more about Internet Hackers

Researchers uncovered a serious flaw in the underlying technology for nearly all Internet traffic, a discovery that led to an urgent and secretive international effort to prevent global disruptions of web surfing, e-mails and instant messages. The British government announced the vulnerability in core Internet technology on Tuesday. Left unaddressed, experts said, it could allow hackers to knock computers offline and broadly disrupt vital traffic-directing devices, called routers, that coordinate the flow of data among distant groups of computers.“Exploitation of this vulnerability could have affected the glue that holds the Internet together,’’ said Roger Cumming, director for England’s National Infrastructure Security Coordination Centre.
The Homeland Security Department issued its own cyberalert hours later that attacks “could affect a large segment of the Internet community.’’ It said normal Internet operations probably would resume after such attacks stopped. Experts said there were no reports of attacks using this technique. The risk was similar to Internet users “running naked through the jungle, which didn’t matter until somebody released some tigers,’’ said Paul Vixie of the Internet Systems Consortium Inc. “It’s a significant risk,’’ Vixie said. “The larger Internet providers are jumping on this big time. It’s really important this just gets fixed before the bad guys start exploiting it for fun and recognition.’’ The flaw affecting the Internet’s “transmission control protocol,’’ or TCP, was discovered late last year by a computer researcher in Milwaukee. Paul Watson said he identified a method to reliably trick personal computers and routers into shutting down electronic conversations by resetting the machines remotely.
Experts previously said such attacks could take between four years and 142 years to succeed because they require guessing a rotating number from roughly four billion possible combinations. Watson said he can guess the proper number with as few as four attempts, which can be accomplished within seconds. Routers continually exchange important updates about the most efficient traffic routes between large networks. Continued successful attacks against routers can cause them to go into a standby mode, known as “dampening,’’ that can persist for hours. Cisco Systems Inc., which acknowledged its popular routers were among those vulnerable, distributed software repairs and tips to otherwise protect large corporate customers.
posted by Joby on 3:12 PM | Permalink | 0 comments

Bluetooth: Technology’s hottest trend

TODAY, as you glance through newspapers, tech magazines or discussion forums, you are likely to find ample usage of the term ‘Bluetooth’. Though at first glance it may sound like a grave dental condition, Bluetooth is actually one of technology’s hottest trends and is making life easier for gadget-savvy business people.

What’s Bluetooth?

Just glance at your desktop (or behind it) and what’s amply noticeable is the number of cables connecting your notebook/PC to the printer, scanner, mobile etc. Also while purchasing or upgrading, getting the right cable and compatible connecting ports can be both frustrating and expensive. In an effort to untangle the hassles of cables and connectors, a group of manufacturers put their heads together and developed a wireless equipment standard that would connect devices like computers, digital cameras, handheld cameras, mobile phones, headsets, printers etc, without wires. They named the new standard “Bluetooth”. Today, this trade association is known as the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG) and is backed by over 2,000 companies and development experts, comprising leaders in the telecommunications, computing, industrial automation and network industries. These leaders are driving the development of Bluetooth wireless technology, a low cost short-range wireless specification for connecting mobile devices and bringing them to the market. Big names in telecom are delivering products as diverse as PCs, notebooks, mobiles, PDAs, printers, headsets, automotive hands-free systems, disposable sensors, pulse oximeters, gaming devices, barcode scanners.

While every technology has its drawbacks, Bluetooth is no exception. One of the major shortcomings about Bluetooth is its speed. When Wi-Fi networks start around 5Mbit/s, Bluetooth’s sedate 700 kbit/s speed is a disadvantage. The emerging new version of Bluetooth is expected to change that, by boosting the speed to 3 Mbit/s (This is still only about half the speed of traditional 802.11b Wi-Fi, but nevertheless, much faster).

What’s in a name:
Bluetooth takes its name from Harald Bluetooth, a viking and king of Denmark who was renowned for his ability to help people communicate. Most notably he united Denmark and Norway. If you are wondering where the name Bluetooth actually came from, Harald apparently enjoyed eating blueberries, to such an extent that his teeth were stained blue, hence the name - Bluetooth.
posted by Joby on 2:43 PM | Permalink | 0 comments

What is the Technology built in Paint?

Life is full of colours - colours that add a spark to our lives and beauty to our thoughts. But ever wonder where these colours come from? Who makes them and how? The answer lies in paint technology - a process that enables the world around us to become even more colourful (and hence beautiful) by the minute.
“Any surface - metallic or otherwise - needs a protective coating, referred to as ‘paint technology application’. This consists of a combination of processes: Chemical treatment followed by a decorative layer (paint),” elucidates Arun K Sagar, Director of the Garware Institute of Career Education and Development, Kalina. Paints are a combination of various chemicals that deliver several functions. Shrikant Dikhale, Vice President, Human Resource, Nerolac Paints Limited, defines, “Paint technology entails understanding the chemistry of the functions of each ingredient (including resin, polymers and pigments) going into the paint. It is also about understanding the effect on the final property of the paint.” Adds Yogesh K Raval, general manager, paint development, Asian Paints Limited: “Paint (or surface coating) technology covers various aspects of paint or coating formulations for different substrate. It also covers end use, manufacture and application techniques. Its scope covers all kinds of architectural or house, automotive and aircraft paints as well as industrial high-performance, anticorrosive and marine coatings.”
posted by Joby on 2:07 PM | Permalink | 0 comments