Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Pass Your CCNA Exam : Tips and Ideas

CCNA is the most respected Associate level Certification in the world today.Getting a CCNA will definitely help you to get a better job or at least get your foot into Professional Networking Field. When you meet a person that has CCNA degree you will notice that he or she knows something about Networking.This article will explain and give you some tips on how to successfully complete CCNA.

1. Mentally Get Ready: First thing you have to do is mentally prepare your self. What I mean by that is that you have to seriously think about on why are you ready to go for CCNA and why do you want to be CCNA Proffessional. You have to decide and believe that you will get CCNA within next 3-6 months or so.Try to budget your study time well. If you a very social person you will have to give up some of your social time for the next couple of months. Your friends and family will understand.

2. Choose the Right Study Material: Second thing you need to do is to get proper study material. There is lot of confusion around this and some people go overboard with study guides, books, and etc. I believe that two Cisco Press books INTR and ICND by Wendell Odom are enough as far as the books go. They are really well written and easy to follow. So Sign up at and get those two books. Make sure you got the latest version.You will also want to get some kind of a simulator that will let you practice commands and that will also build up your confidence.You can buy real equipment but that could get expensive. I highly recommend that you become member of Cisco Certification forum.Forum is huge and you will get lot of helpful answers, tips and advices pretty quick.

3. Read books one more time to refresh.This is optional, but I highly recommend reading the both books one more time. If you read both books in a three week that will give you one more week before the test to cram which is subject of the next step.So by now you should’ve read both books three times over. I also suggest re-reading questions and answers from both books one more time.

4. BE Cool: This is the last part of your study and there is no turning back. Deadline is hanging around your neck like a noose. You should cram Q&A for no more then 10 days before you take the test.At this point it is really important that you get fresh and different questions then those included with your CD’s. Some people claims that brain dumps or Q&A are bad and evil. At this point you already firmly grasped the whole CCNA concept and Q&A will only help you. So get some Q&A exam question and cram, cram and cram them for a week. Don’t use books or CD’s anymore. There is no looking back. No worries, material from the books will return to you at the right time.-Don’t do any studying a night or a day before the test. Go out with your wife or significant other to a dinner and a movie. Relax. It is very important to relax and get a good night sleep since one of those testing boots could really be intimidating. If you did all the steps above and read books with intention to understand the topics and how stuff works and not just to pass the test you should be more then ready by now.


We came to an end of this short tutorial tips. I hope this article give you at least some ideas on how to approach studying for CCNA.If you fail CCNA first time, don’t get discouraged. You will have more knowledge and confidence when you attempt it the next time then the person who passed it on the first try. Whatever approach you take I wish you good luck and prosper career.
posted by Joby on 5:22 PM | Permalink |
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