Thursday, August 31, 2006

Disk Technologies And Tiered Storage:
Disks have two main parts - the hard drive assembly, consisting of the disk drive, the motor, and the head; and the drive interface. For each of these, there are lots of options, each with various trade-offs. What is going to be important in future will be a tiered storage approach - matching storage technology to class of data. Disk-To-Disk Data Protection: There are things that drive us to make copies of our data - mistakes, disasters, and lawyers! Historically, these are problems for which people have used tape, or even paper. Over time, disks have started to replace this. In the case of disaster recovery, fast replication and quick recovery is critical — and this is driving the move towards using disk-based data protection technology.
How important are effective disaster recovery solutions in the current scenario?
As organisations continue to generate and store exponentially increasing amounts of business critical data, the costs of data loss are very high - including lost productivity, missed sales opportunities, loss of customer loyalty and loss of critical operational data with a long-term impact such as financial records. Data protection is therefore a primary area of concern for IT managers. While data protection and disaster recovery planning are imperative, many IT managers and administrators are concerned with preserving data integrity while backing up data and restoring backed-up data within a time-frame that meets business and end-user requirements.